Dr Vittorio Rosato

Dr Vittorio Rosato

  • Research Associate
  • Faculty of Engineering, University Campus Biomedico, Roma, Italy

Vittorio Rosato has received the Laurea degree in Physics (University of Pisa, 1979) and Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics (University of Nancy,1986). He has been working at University College of Wales from 1979 to 1981 and at the CEA Centre de Recherche Nucleaires de Saclay from 1982 to 1986. Since 1987, he has been Staff Scientist at ENEA, Casaccia research Centre (Roma); from 2010 he has been Research Director acting as Head of the unit for Analysis and Protection of Critical Infrastructure. Since 2022 is retired from ENEA and he started acting as Consulting and Research Associate with the Faculty of Engineering of University Campus Biomedico in Roma.
His main research field has been Computational Physics, particularly Condensed Matter and Material Science. Since 2001, his main research activities have been focussed on Complex Systems and modelling of critical infrastructure and risk analysis. In 2018, he has triggered the establishment in Italy of the European Infrastructure Analysis and Simulation Centre (EISAC.it), a joint initiative between ENEA e INGV for the realization of technological tools for supporting operators and national governance to protect critical infrastructure and increase national systemic resilience. He is, and has been, Coordinator of several National and international Projects.
He is co-founder of Ylichron Srl (an ENEA spin-off, a software engineering company) and Genechron Srl (a biotech company) where he currently acts as President of the Board of Directors.
He is author of more than 150 scientific papers on peer reviewed journals; he acted as Scientific Editor of a number of books.


  • Implementation and Impacts of CER Directive and NIS2 Directive

    The CER and NIS2 Directives come into force in October 2024, where failing compliance could bring hefty fines, operational restrictions, or even shutdowns for critical infrastructure owner/operators. Non-compliance exposes vulnerabilities to cyberattacks and disruptions. What are the implications on the operator/owners and agencies and what impacts could there potentially be on public safety and economic stability? How has implementation gone to date and what more needs to be done?

  • The European Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (EISAC.it) initiative: a support to the national implementation of the EU CER Directive