Dr Victor Vevera

Dr Victor Vevera

  • General Director
  • ICI Bucharest, Romania

Adrian Victor Vevera, General Director of ICI Bucharest, Doctor in Military Sciences and Information, has an extensive experience in the field of national security, fulfilled various managerial and counselling positions such as former General Director of CERT-RO, Advisor for the National Security Department within the Presidential Administration and Advisor to the Prime Minister for National Security. He is the President of IF Idea Factory and Chairman of the International Conference – Critical Infrastructure Protection Forum. Dr. Vevera is the former national representative at ENISA and the national representative at ICA and ICCAN. He is also the Chief Editor of the Romanian Journal of Computer Science and Automation and the Romanian Cyber Security Journal.


  • Cyber Regulations, Standards and Best Practice

    Escalating cyberattacks by state actors and persistent criminal activity necessitate urgent action. Robust cyber regulations, clear standards, and effective best practices are required to fortify defenses. So what are the latest regulations and how can we raise standards and standardise best practices in cyber defense?