Salman Al Mohisen

Salman Al Mohisen

  • Information Security Group Leader
  • Saudi Aramco

Salman Al Mohisen works for Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabian Oil Company). He is leading the Information Security group at one of Saudi Aramco Producing Operations Department. He is closely involved in Data protection governance, risk and compliance. He is a Lead Information Security Certified by couple of international entities in cyber security and GRC. He holds a Bachelor degree from King Faisal University and Diploma in Computer Engineering.


  • Information Technology (CIIP) / Cybersecurity Sector Symposium

    Safeguarding Europe’s digital backbone is paramount. Information technology underpins our workforce, businesses, and access to crucial data. Robust Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) through cybersecurity and network security is vital. Recent ransomware attacks and evolving threats like malware (Stuxnet remains a stark example) necessitate heightened vigilance to shield Europe’s information assets.

  • Robustness of the Markov-Chain Model for Cyber-Attack Detection