Martin Hromada

Martin Hromada

  • Vice-Dean for International Relations/Researcher
  • Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Czech Republic

Prof. Ing. Martin Hromada, Ph.D. is a full professor at Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Applied Informatics and Department of Security Engineering. Within the scientific-research, activities are actively dedicated to the protection and resilience of critical (information) infrastructure (Critical Entities) issues and assessment of the physical protection systems functionality. He is a member of significant national expert groups of the Czech and Slovak Republic Ministry of Interior and the European institutions such as European Safety and Reliability Association, European Association for Security, ERNCIP and CIWIN. He regularly participates in practical exercises relating to the protection of energy infrastructures (ARGOS project Bucharest, Bulgaria, Križovany, Slovakia, NATO CoE, Vilnius, Lithuania). In the years 2010 – 2015 he worked as a consultant and lead of the Security Research project for s Deloitte Advisory, Ltd. (Critical Infrastructure Protection in the area of Production, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity, Actual Cyber Threats of Czech Republic and their Solving Methods). In total, he participated in the solution of 5 international (EXPEDITE, TeamUp, S4AllCities, STAMINA, SecureGas) and 24 national projects focused on the issues of security/safety and resilience of infrastructure systems. Since 2023, he has been working as Vice Dean for international relations at the Faculty of Applied Informatics of the Tomas Bata University in Zlín.


  • Risk Mitigation and Management

    Proactive threat preparation significantly reduces disruptions to infrastructure and the broader community, bolstering resilience, safety and security. How can we effectively address these evolving physical and cyber threats to minimize outages and financial losses?

  • Critical Entities Resilience Assessment to small-scale disasters