Maria Luisa Moreo

Maria Luisa Moreo

  • Director General
  • Señor Lobo & Friends, Spain

Moreo is a journalist specialized in crisis communications and the General Director at Señor Lobo & Friends, a boutique agency specialized in crisis management comprised of a team with over 25 years of experience in risk prevention and crisis and emergency management across all sectors.
A member of the CCNE (Crisis Communications Network Europe) and a friend at CIP Institute, she participates in the international meetings of both organizations.
She also assesses security projects for the European Commission regarding social networks and emergencies and lectures at the Master’s in Food Safety program at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Moreo was formerly a senior consultant in LLYC’s Corporate Communications Area, and for several organizations, including Sedigas (The Spanish Gas Association). She also lectured in several courses for the National Civil Protection School of Madrid. Formerly, she worked for Onda Cero Radio and Cadena COPE and was head of communications at SUMMA 112. She is also a team member of VOST (Virtual Operation Support Team) Spain


  • Crisis Management, Coordination & Communication

    Regular exercises combined with clear communication protocols between operators and agencies/emergency responders ensure everyone’s on the same page. Open information sharing creates a shared understanding of threats provide a more effective response. How do we better coordinate and co-operate to enhance protection and resilience?