Jarna Hartikainen M.Sc.

Jarna Hartikainen M.Sc.

  • Head of Preparedness Planning
  • National Emergency Supply Agency, Finland

M.Sc. Jarna Hartikainen works for the National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA) of Finland as the Head of Preparedness Planning, which focus covers securing all critical sectors of society. Th work is done in collaboration with critical companies in each critical sector, together with sectoral ministries and authorities. During her career she has worked as Head of Situational Awareness and Collaboration at the National Cyber Security Centre of Finland (NCSC-FI). She has also been in responsibility of supervising telecom sector at Finnish Transport and Communication Authority. Her career has involved risk assessment for critical sectors for almost 20 years especially from digital perspective. Her educational background is in Master of Science from Helsinki Technical University from Telecommunications and is graduating from Executive MBA Aalto University 2024.


  • Collaboration, Information Sharing and Enhancing PPPs

    Effective risk, resilience, and emergency plans rely on open information sharing across Europe. Knowledge empowers informed decisions for CI protection. How can we dismantle barriers to information exchange and foster trust between governments, operators, and communities? Stronger PPPs hinge on this collaboration.

  • Enhancing Critical Infrastructure’s Preparedness: A Comprehensive Risk Map for Strengthening Public-Private Cooperation