Luanda Domi

Luanda Domi

  • Gender Mainstreaming and Cyber Skills Development Manager
  • The Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE), Netherlands

Luanda Domi is a distinguished expert in cybersecurity governance and critical infrastructure (CI) identification, with an extensive track record in designing and implementing national security and cybersecurity strategies. She has extensive experience in establishing and leading multi-stakeholder working groups on cybersecurity and CI that contributed to strengthening the resilience of critical infrastructure against cyber threats.

With a rich background in security sector governance and oversight, Ms. Domi has significantly contributed to the parliamentary oversight of national security policies. Her expertise is recognized through her work with international organizations, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo, where she developed the first digital transformation portfolio. This portfolio has served as a blueprint for other UNDP country offices, showcasing her innovative approach to digitalization and cybersecurity. At the Global Forum for Cyber Expertise (GFCE), she serves as the Gender Mainstreaming and Cyber Skills Development Manager, leading initiatives under Gender Mainstreaming in Cyber Capacity Building portfolio, while facilitating the GFCE’s Working Group on Cyber Security Culture, Skills, Workforce Development, and the Western Balkans Program.

Throughout her career, including her roles as Deputy Country Director for USAID’s Critical Infrastructure Digitization and Resilience Program (CIDR), at UNDP, the Geneva Center for Security Governance (DCAF), and the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office in New York, Ms. Domi has facilitated the exchange of best practices in cybersecurity internationally. She has also identified emerging threats and policy responses to secure critical societal functions.


  • Cyber Regulations, Standards and Best Practice

    Escalating cyberattacks by state actors and persistent criminal activity necessitate urgent action. Robust cyber regulations, clear standards, and effective best practices are required to fortify defenses. So what are the latest regulations and how can we raise standards and standardise best practices in cyber defense?