Lisa Becher

Lisa Becher

  • Research Assistant
  • OTH Regensburg, Germany

Lisa Becher works as a research assistant at the Faculty of Applied Natural and Cultural Sciences at Regensburg University of Applied Sciences (OTH Regensburg). As part of the federally funded program ‘Region gestalten’, she is working on one of eleven pilot projects that aim to develop innovative concepts for the development of rural areas and the promotion of social cohesion. Specifically, Lisa and her team at OTH Regensburg are working together with the district administration of Oberallgäu to strengthen the resilience of the southern Bavarian district of Oberallgäu with regard to disaster prevention. With a Master’s degree in Sustainable Resource Management from the Technical University of Munich and work experience in municipal climate resilience and climate protection, as well as other climate- and environment-related areas, Lisa contributes her expertise to the project, particularly with regard to resilience to the effects of climate change.


  • Crisis Management, Coordination & Communication

    Regular exercises combined with clear communication protocols between operators and agencies/emergency responders ensure everyone’s on the same page. Open information sharing creates a shared understanding of threats provide a more effective response. How do we better coordinate and co-operate to enhance protection and resilience?

  • Tabletop Exercises for Disaster Resilience: Methodological Insights from Southern Germany's Rural Region