Henriette Model

Henriette Model

  • Project Assistant
  • OTH Regensburg, Germany

Henriette Model is a Project Assistant at the Regensburg University of Applied Sciences (OTH Regensburg) under the academic direction of Prof. Dr. Markus Bresinsky and works on the “Modellvorhaben Resiliente Regionen” project as part of the “Region gestalten” program which is funded by the Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung. This initiative,
running from 2022 to 2025, aims to improve regional resilience in response to increasing crises and catastrophic events, with the district of Oberallgäu being one of the eleven model regions.
Henriette and her team are strengthening society and building crisis management expertise in the Oberallgäu district by analyzing potential risks, developing a regional crisis concept and bringing together relevant actors. The focus is on increasing resilience by promoting learning and adaptation, with an emphasis on recognizing the potential for cooperation between stakeholders and developing solution strategies for risks, using tabletop exercises as a methodological tool and imparting resilience expertise as a core competence. With a background in International Relations and Management from OTH Regensburg and experience in emergency services, Henriette provides hands-on and theoretical expertise in disaster management, committed to advancing regional resilience.


  • Crisis Management, Coordination & Communication

    Regular exercises combined with clear communication protocols between operators and agencies/emergency responders ensure everyone’s on the same page. Open information sharing creates a shared understanding of threats provide a more effective response. How do we better coordinate and co-operate to enhance protection and resilience?

  • Tabletop Exercises for Disaster Resilience: Methodological Insights from Southern Germany's Rural Region