Elisa Costante

Elisa Costante

  • VP of Research
  • Forescout, Netherlands

Elisa Costante, Phd., is the VP of Threat Research at Forescout. In her role, she leads the activities of Forescout Research – Vedere Labs, a team of cyber security researchers focused on vulnerability research, threat analysis and threat mitigation for OT and unmanaged devices. Under her leadership, Vedere Labs has discovered 200+ new vulnerabilities in OT and IoT devices and shed light into the implication of supply chain vulnerabilities and in-security by design that affect the OT world. Elisa has 10+ years of experience in OT/IoT/IoMT security space. In her prior role, she was CTO at SecurityMatters, where she led product innovation activities in the field of network intrusion detection. Elisa holds a PhD in Cyber Security from the Eindhoven University of Technology where she specialized in machine learning techniques for data leakage detection.


  • Power & Energy (Grid Resilience) Sector Symposium

    Europe’s energy sector, reliant on oil, gas, and renewables, is paramount. Without it, other critical infrastructure fails. Recent and regular cyberattacks and changing weather patterns highlight the need to safeguard our energy assets, including IT/OT and SCADA systems. How can we minimize outage or attack impacts and fortify Europe’s grids?