Dr Grigore Stamatescu

Dr Grigore Stamatescu

  • Professor and ICT Consultant
  • University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest and TUV Austria Romania

Dr Grigore Stamatescu is Professor in the Department of Automation and Industrial Informatics, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania. His research interests include networked embedded sensing, the internet of things and distributed information processing in industry and energy applications with the research results having been published in over 130 articles. Dr Stamatescu was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar 2015-2016 at the University California, Merced, and a JESH Scholar of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2019. He currently collaborates with TUV Austria Romania for the coordination of policy recommendation activities within ELECTRON, a large European undertaking developing a state-of-the-art platform for energy cybersecurity.


  • Cyber Regulations, Standards and Best Practice

    Escalating cyberattacks by state actors and persistent criminal activity necessitate urgent action. Robust cyber regulations, clear standards, and effective best practices are required to fortify defenses. So what are the latest regulations and how can we raise standards and standardise best practices in cyber defense?

  • Complementary View on the NIS2 Directive and the Network Code on Cybersecurity: Technology-enabled Best Practices