David Nieto

David Nieto

  • Director of Airports and Aviation Security
  • Spanish Aviation Safety and Security Agency

David Nieto is Director of Airports and Aviation Security in AESA, the Spanish civil aviation authority, since 2018 and member of management board of the Agency since 2013. He was also Director of safety of airports and air navigation in AESA from 2013 to 2018.
David has large experience in complex projects in aviation, in particular with airports and air navigation systems. Those including implementation of aviation cybersecurity framework in Spain, certification of the national network of airports and navigation services providers, oversight over the liberalization of national air traffic services and supervision over aviation security in Spain.
His background is as aeronautical engineer, master degree in Cybersecurity and master degree in Leadership and Public Administration.


  • Emerging Threats against CI

    The threats to critical infrastructure are like a chameleon. Cyberattacks evolve, threat of terrorism activities are on the increase, natural disasters worsen due to climate change, and new threats like drone attacks and AI manipulation emerge. This constant shift demands continuous updates to security measures. How can we identify, monitor and manage their levels of potential damage?