Daniel Peregrina Gonzalez

Daniel Peregrina Gonzalez

  • PhD Researcher
  • Deltares, Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands

Daniel Peregrina is a PhD researcher within the department of Climate Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction at Deltares and in the department of Water and Climate Risk of the Institute for Environmental Studies at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research explores modelling adaptation to extreme weather events under climate change in critical infrastructure systems.
Currently the focus of his research is on the appraisal of flood adaptation measures for the railway, energy, and telecommunications sectors in Europe.
Deltares is an independent knowledge institute that works on innovative solutions in the field of water and subsurface, including adaptation to climate risk and the development of safe and resilient infrastructure.
In the past Daniel has worked as a health, safety and environmental manager and as a process safety manager in the consumer-packaged goods industry. Daniel has a BSc in Chemical Engineering and a MSc in Water Science and Management.


  • Risk Mitigation and Management

    Proactive threat preparation significantly reduces disruptions to infrastructure and the broader community, bolstering resilience, safety and security. How can we effectively address these evolving physical and cyber threats to minimize outages and financial losses?

  • Climate adaptation in critical infrastructure: A layered approach