Annika Waegenbauer

Annika Waegenbauer

  • International Stakeholder Relations Officer
  • Institute for Security and Safety, Germany

Annika Wägenbauer holds the position of International Stakeholder Relations Officer at the Institute for Security and Safety GmbH as well as Business Development Manager at the consultancy VICCON GmbH. Apart from strategic development and the expansion of
cooperation projects, she teaches cybersecurity awareness, participates in European and global forums – such as working groups of the World Economic Forum, at the European Energy Information Sharing and Analysis Centre, as well as the EU CyberNet community – and represents both companies internationally.
Annika has an interdisciplinary and multilingual background. She holds a Master of Social Sciences (M.S.Sc.) in International Security and Law from the University of Southern Denmark and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in European Studies from The Hague University of Applied Sciences. Having lived, studied, and worked in nine countries while being able to communicate in about eight languages, she knows how to navigate today’s multi-faceted working environment. With several years of work experience in the German automotive industry, she masters bridging the gap between the public and private sector.
Apart from a sharp focus on international legislation, her main areas of expertise are holistic security solutions while integrating ethical and legal philosophy. She, furthermore, advocates for the promotion, encouragement, and support of the participation of women in the field of cybersecurity by being an active member of Women4Cyber Germany.


  • Power & Energy (Grid Resilience) Sector Symposium

    Europe’s energy sector, reliant on oil, gas, and renewables, is paramount. Without it, other critical infrastructure fails. Recent and regular cyberattacks and changing weather patterns highlight the need to safeguard our energy assets, including IT/OT and SCADA systems. How can we minimize outage or attack impacts and fortify Europe’s grids?