Alexandru Georgescu

Alexandru Georgescu

  • Scientific Researcher
  • National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics, ICI Bucharest

Alexandru Georgescu is a Scientific Researcher with the Department for Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection of the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics ICI Bucharest. He has an eclectic background, having studied Economics, then Geopolitics, and has obtained a PhD in Risk Engineering for Critical Infrastructure Systems with a thesis on Critical Space Infrastructures, which was expanded into a book and published by Springer in 2019. He is actively involved in advancing Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience issues through cooperation at international level and has worked on international projects for the European Space Agency and others. Since 2019, he is a co-moderator of the Working Group on the Protection of Defence-related Critical Energy Infrastructures within the Consultation Forum on Sustainable Energy in Defence and Security Sectors organized by the European Defence Agency. He is affiliated with the Romanian Association for the Promotion of Critical Infrastructure Protection, with the Romanian Association for Space Technology and Industry, the EURISC Foundation and EuroDefense Romania.


  • Communications Sector Symposium

    Across Europe, communication networks are the lifeblood of communities and critical infrastructure. Disruptions cripple businesses and leave emergency response in chaos. With the internet central to all sectors, safeguarding communication assets and building resilience is essential for European businesses, governments, and all critical infrastructure.