Anjos Nijk

Anjos Nijk

  • Managing Director
  • ENCS – European Network for Cyber Security, Netherlands

Anjos Nijk is Managing Director of the European Network for Cyber security (ENCS). In addition to his duties with ENCS, he is member of the Steering Committee of the Smart Grids Task Force of the European Commission, observer of cybersecurity EG2 and ENCS liaison with European associations including ENTSO-E, DSO Entity, E.DSO, EE-ISAC and EUTC.
He started his career in various international management functions at AT&T and Lucent Technologies and was involved in various innovative start-ups. Anjos holds a degree in Technische Bedrijfskunde (Business Administration and Informatics) at University of Twente, The Netherlands.


  • Implementation and Impacts of CER Directive and NIS2 Directive

    The CER and NIS2 Directives come into force in October 2024, where failing compliance could bring hefty fines, operational restrictions, or even shutdowns for critical infrastructure owner/operators. Non-compliance exposes vulnerabilities to cyberattacks and disruptions. What are the implications on the operator/owners and agencies and what impacts could there potentially be on public safety and economic stability? How has implementation gone to date and what more needs to be done?

  • Implementation Challenges of NIS2 and Network Code on Cybersecurity