Felipe Castro Barrigon

Felipe Castro Barrigon

  • Cybersecurity Policy Officer
  • European Commission, Belgium

Felipe Castro is a policy officer in the European Commission in the area of Energy Security and Safety, domain of cybersecurity. He joined the European Commission first in the Internal Audit Services and then the Directorate-General of Energy, dealing with technology and cybersecurity topics. Currently he is working on cybersecurity legislation and digitalization in the energy sector. He holds a master degree in telecommunication engineering from the University of Valladolid (Spain) and a second Master in Business Administration by the University UNED (Spain). He worked 17 years in telecommunications in the private sector in Germany, France and Belgium. He is also affiliated professor in the Business School SKEMA in France.


  • Power & Energy (Grid Resilience) Sector Symposium

    Europe’s energy sector, reliant on oil, gas, and renewables, is paramount. Without it, other critical infrastructure fails. Recent and regular cyberattacks and changing weather patterns highlight the need to safeguard our energy assets, including IT/OT and SCADA systems. How can we minimize outage or attack impacts and fortify Europe’s grids?