Lina Kolesnikova

Lina Kolesnikova

  • Fellow/Director of European & International Affairs
  • ICPEM (UK)

Lina Kolesnikova is a Fellow/Director of European & International Affairs of ICPEM (UK) and Member of Advisory Board of Crisis Response Journal. Lina has researched and written on a wide range of topical issues arising from recent events on the global scene and is also a frequent speaker and moderator at international events


  • Emerging Threats against CI

    The threats to critical infrastructure are like a chameleon. Cyberattacks evolve, threat of terrorism activities are on the increase, natural disasters worsen due to climate change, and new threats like drone attacks and AI manipulation emerge. This constant shift demands continuous updates to security measures. How can we identify, monitor and manage their levels of potential damage?

  • Evolving Threat Landscape: Organised Crime and CI