Programme – Day Two



9:00am-10:30am – Session 2: Emerging and Future Threats on CNI (physical & cyber)
The ever changing nature of threats, whether natural, through climate change, or man-made through terrorism activities and insider threats, means the need to continually review and update policies, practices and technologies to meet these growing demands. But what are those emerging threats and how can we identify, monitor and manage their levels of potential damage?
Gabriel Badea, President, Federation of Security Services, Romania
The Importance of Embedding Security into the Design of CNI FacilitiesSarah Jane Prew, Security Expert, ARUP
Electromagnetic pulse attack: a black swan or a grey rhino?Lina Kolesnikova, Security Expert, Belgium
TBC Cyber security expert speaker*

10:30am-11:15am – Networking Coffee Break

11:15am – 12:30pm – Session 3: Cyber Risks and Resilience
The ability to monitor the cyber threats to Critical Infrastructure can greatly assist the operators and agencies better prepare their defences against cyber attacks on systems and information/data. What are the latest emerging cyber threats and actors and what are the latest strategic perspective on cyber monitoring and cyber defences for enhancing CIIP?
Quo Vadis city dweller? Mihail Cunescu, RASIROM
Gabriela Matei, Emerging Disruptive Technologies, Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre
New Challenges for System Security in the European Power Grid – Options for National PolicymakersMichael Brand, OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, Germany
Smart Grid Security Using Blockchain George Suciu, R&D Innovation Manager, BEIA Consult International, Romania

12:30pm-2:00pm – Networking Lunch

2:00pm-3:30pm – Session 4: PPP & Collaboration in CIP
With many critical infrastructures in the hands of private organisations, how does the responsibility of security and resilience lie between government, with public accountability to keep them safe, secure and operational 24/7, and the private operator, with additional responsibilities towards shareholders? How can improving the communication between the public sector and private sector enhance protection and can incentives be employed to better engage private owners into PPP?
CIP From A Law Enforcement Perspective within the Railway Environment John Laene, Secretary General of RAILPOL and Chief Inspector within the Service of Infrastructure of National Police of The Netherlands
The importance of cooperation in combating crimes in the airport environment Peter Nilsson, Head of AIRPOL
Improving CIP system in Republic of Croatia: Forming national CI databaseIvana Cesarac, Head of Critical Infrastructure and Cultural Heritage Department at the Civil Protection Directorate, Croatia
The new CEN Standard for Private Security Services in CIPCatherine Piana, COESS

3:30pm-4:15pm – Networking Coffee Break

4:15pm – 5:30pm – Session 5: Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies – from Risk to Resilience
It is the interoperability between independent critical national infrastructures that is the catalyst for multiple failures in the so called cascade effect. As more infrastructure becomes increasingly interdependent, how do we identify the weaknesses to enhance resilience across industries to prevent and/or mitigate the effects of a natural disaster or man-made attack?
Situational Awareness of Critical Infrastructures at the Local Level – Fostering Resilience Through Accessible Method-based AnalysisSandrine Neugart, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) Regensburg
Advancing critical health infrastructure resilience thinking – insights from a literature studyNathalie
Project Associate; Christine Heinzel, Student Assistant, United Nations University – Institute for
Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
Integrated approach for Risk Management in Critical Infrastructures under Industry 4.0 towards Resilience Javier Larrañeta, PESI
TBC Cyber security expert speaker*
