Heighted Security Threat at Airports and Nuclear Power Stations

According to a report in the UK’s Sunday Telegraph, Britain’s airports and nuclear power stations have been told to tighten their defences against terrorist attacks in the face of increased threats to electronic security systems.

This comes as no surprise to those charged with securing critical infrastructure. Airports are constantly under threat but a successful attack on a nuclear power station is a threat of a whole new order. And targeting nuclear power is not just a threat, because we already have an example in last years foiled attempt to infiltrate Belgium’s Doel nuclear power plant.

Terrorists have the time, the resources and the element of surprise, when it comes to choosing a potential target. And when it comes to nuclear power, they only have to be successful once and they could devastate half of Europe for generations.

Next month some of the leading voices in critical infrastructure will gather again in The Hague to discuss the emerging and future threats and how to counter them at Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Europe (CIPRE) 9-11 May.

Also on the agenda will be convergence in CIP and CIIP, critical infrastructure interdependencies, public private partnership, successful risk management and resilience, transport and energy security & building in resilience and enhancing preparedness and response capabilities.

CIPRE has unique two-track conference programme delivered by a leading line up of international experts to discuss securing Europe’s critical infrastructure, from both physical and cyber perspectives.

Critical Infrastructure Protection
With much focus on convergence, the CIP track of the programme delivers discussions to review the potential threats to critical infrastructure, smart construction and building in security resilience, and a focus on ‘Transport, Energy & Telecomms Infrastructure’, three key elements of a countries economic activity.

Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (Cyber)
With the ever-increasing threat from cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure, the information and data stored and used by CNI systems and operators can be more crucial than the system itself. CIIP is becoming ever more important as part of the cyber security strategy of an organisation or CNI operator.

Speakers confirmed include keynote presentations from Dr. Timo Hauschild, Head of CIP section of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), Germany and Colonel (GS) Wolfgang Paulik, Director of the Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence

Latest speakers also include:

  • Ms Michèle Coninsx, President, Eurojust
  • Per Brekke, Deputy Director, The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection
  • Catherine Piana, Director General, CoESS – Confederation of European Security Services
  • Drew Williams, Principal Security Solutions Architect, Leidos (formerly Lockheed Martin), USA
  • Philip Rydén, Chief Security Officer, E.ON Sverige AB
  • Gonzalo Martin de Mercado, Studies manager, Integrated Applications, ESA – European Space Agency
  • Konstantinos Moulinos, CIIP Project Manager, ENISA
  • Ben Govers, Senior Advisor / Project Manager, Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, Netherlands
  • Jaya Baloo, CISO, KPN, Netherlands

For the full programme, list of speaker and registration visit: http://www.cipre-expo.com/